Thursday, January 5, 2012

Favorite Places - Barnes & Noble

I'm a Nerd. I admit it and say it with pride.  My bed is usually covered in books and magazines I am reading. Not to mention all my favorite blogs are usually open in different windows on my computer. I am a certifiable book crazy nerd. Needless to say I love Barnes and Noble.

I have to say I love B&N for many reasons. One, there is a Starbucks in them. Two, I can get a coffee and flip through magazines all I want for free. It is seriously one of my favorite ways to waste away an afternoon. I could get lost in all sorts of bookshops and libraries, but at my B&N I have a little spot in the corner I like to call my own. I can't wait to go again this week.

I always hope everyone out there has a spot they love. Just like I do at my B&N.