Saturday, September 15, 2012

Instagram Fun

There should be an Instagram Anonymous. "Hi, I am Missy and I'm an Instagram addict." I love that I can post to Flicker, Facebook and Twitter as I post to Instagram. So easy and the editing is super easy.

I thought I'd share some fun photos I've Instagram'ed. (New phrase I'm coining, get it???) See how funny sodas and a little photo editing can make your day? You should try it!

Weekend Adventure - Crow Peak

Labor Day for most is a day of BBQs and picnics. However, when you have an active preteen boy in the house you look for something a little more active to do. Or at least I look for something more active to do.

Since returning to the Black Hills two weeks ago, the outdoor fun has been calling me out to enjoy it. All the hiking and fresh air is seriously addictive. It brings so many ideas to the surface. When it comes to beauty, science has nothing on nature.

So my dad and I took kiddo and a buddy up to Crow Peak. It was a tough hike for someone not used to elevation. But the views were worth it. I was able to oversee the whole town of Spearfish. I can't think of a better Labor Day.