Friday, December 30, 2011

End of Year Inventory


As the end of the year comes to be I like to look back on what the past year has brought and what it has been to me. I'm not going to sugar coat it, this has been a rough year for me. I lost my way. I lost myself. There were times I wasn't sure how to go on. I made poor decisions and fell down on my heart.

Even though some of the events from the past year bring tears to my eyes and pain to my heart, I want to focus on what good came of them. I rekindled my love of photography and cooking. I found a bit of the girl I was before but found there was a better girl here on the other side. A wiser friend. A better mother. And someone I can be more proud knowing and being. It has taken a lot of time alone and searching my soul to get here. I'm not done with my journey, but I have some direction.

As the new year starts I look forward to the challenges to come and I am excited to see where I will be next year at this time. The girl I was last year didn't survive intact, but I do think she got a little better at living the life she wants and being the girl she wants to be.

Much love and success to all in the year to come.

<3 Nerd Kitty

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